
Saturday, December 31, 2022

We Deserve to Celebrate

 2022 was a tough year for us. Some failed to achieve their dreams. Others lost their paths. Most were tired. Yet, we fought and stood up. Now that our 365-page story is near to end, we deserve to celebrate.

As we welcome the upcoming year, may we blow all the negativities away, and together, let us celebrate the past and look towards the future with peace and optimism.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year Graphics by Joshua Baquilar

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas is Never Boring

Others expect Christmas to be a season of giving and receiving money or gifts. Others expect Christmas to be a season of seeing colorful decorations and hearing lively noises around the streets. Others expect Christmas to be a season of having presentable food around their tables. Once these expectations are not met, others often utter phrases "Christmas is boring; I can't feel Christmas this year."

Christmas is never boring; it is your idealistic expectations that ruin your Christmas celebration. Sharing, valuing, praying - These what should a Christmas be - a season of sharing things regardless of its value; a season of valuing whatever food is presented on our tables; and a season of praying for the world to heal. More importantly, we celebrate to rejoice the birth of Jesus Christ.

May this Christmas remind us that regardless of our situations in life, may we learn to be blessed enough to bless others. Merry Christmas!

Text by Christian John VIllamor

Graphics by Joshua Baquilar

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

CapSU FORUM spearheads journ training for newly created college publications

 by Gay-R Pailon Degala and Chloe Eunice Cabalquinto

To strengthen the newly created college publications of the university, CapSU FORUM initiated the two-day University-based Journalism Seminar with the theme, "College-Based Publication: A comprehensive scope for Campus Journalism,” at the FADC Hall, November 22-23, 2022.

Thirty student journalists participated where 10 students came from the College of Education, Arts and Sciences (COEAS), another 10 from the College of Agriculture and Fisheries (COAF), and an additional 10 from the College of Management (CM).

Dr. Honey Lee E. Casa, the Campus Administrator, said in her opening remarks that the seminar is a manifestation that learning is not limited to the four corners of classrooms. 

“Campus Journalism plays a pivotal role in the school. It trains campus journalists to be responsible writers in the exercise of press freedom. It has become an avenue for the youth to hone their skills, to be disciplined, to think critically, and to be the upholders of freedom of the press even at their young age," Dr. Casa added.

On the first day, Prof. John Paul L. Araneta discussed News Writing, Copyreading, and Headline Writing; Prof. Juneth O. Dalida on Sports Writing; Prof. Louis Placido F. Lachica on Feature Writing; Prof. Jeric D. Dayao on Page Design and Layout; and Prof. Andy Bon D. Dariagan on Literary Writing.

Second-day speakers were Prof. Ricaflor R. Avila who shared her expertise in Editorial Writing/Cartooning and Photo Journalism and Mr. Christian John B. Villamor, Editor-in-Chief, discussed the Crafting of Editorial Policy and Constitution and By-Laws. 

Prof. Michael Bañas, Student Organizations and Activities Coordinator, pointed out in his closing remarks that press freedom is not just important to democracy; it is democracy itself.

“Without journalists like you, there is no democracy at all. Being a journalist also have a yin and yang, pros and cons, and might be a blessing or a curse. In simple terms, you always have the power but it always comes with great responsibilities," Prof. Bañas explained.

Two-day journalism seminar concluded through participants' impressions, the college publication adviser’s acceptance of responsibilities, and awarding of certificates to promising and most promising writers in the different categories.

[From L-R) Prof. John Paul L. Araneta, CapSU FORUM Adviser, Dr. Honey Lee E. Casa, the Campus Administrator, and Dr. Aleta Rose A. Onglatco, Chair of the Office of the Student Services, graced the opening program of the university-based journalism seminar. Photo courtesy Eunice Tumlos, CapSU FORUM Photojournalist.

CapSU Pontevedra Red Cross Youth Council reactivates

 by Leancell Anne Villa

The Office of the Student Services in coordination with the Philippine Red Cross – Capiz Chapter conducted a Youth Volunteer Formation Course and Basic First Aid Training with the theme, “Establishing Youth Member for the Love of Service, Volunteerism and Leadership” on November 2-3, 2022, at FADC Hall, CapSU Pontevedra.

The student volunteers were equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide medical assistance during a variety of school activities. They had instilled in them the spirit of service, leadership, and humanitarianism through face-to-face lectures and workshops.

There were a total of 40student volunteers from various colleges who attended the training, which was facilitated by the College Red Cross Youth Advisers, Dr. John Ralph I. Fayo and Ma’am Wilna Grace Erada, and Ms. Leancell Anne Villa, the College Red Cross Youth Chairperson.

On the first day of the training, Mr. Sanderlen B. Ponsalan, the Chapter Service Representative – Red Cross Youth, Ms. Joahna Priscilla D. Amponin, the Associate Trainer, and Dir. Lenice Joy Orocio, the Chapter Youth Council President, served as the speakers who discussed the Youth Volunteers Orientation Module and all things pertaining to Red Cross Youth.

The next day, Mr. Elvin S. Acolentaba, the Chapter Service Representative for Safety Services, delivered a presentation on first aid and how to respond in such unfortunate situations, including how to perform CPR and bandage a variety of injuries from head to toe.

The PRC – Capiz Chapter Team made sure that the student volunteers learned the skills needed to have efficient medical assistance in order to prepare them for the upcoming variety of face-to-face school events.

Training. A redcross' trainee performs the head bandaging during the Basic First Aid Training. Photo courtesy from: Capsu-Pontevedra CRCY.