Three senior students of the Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English of Capiz State University - Pontevedra Campus will enter the international arena as they go to Indonesia and Vietnam for student exchange programs.
Alexis Kirsti S. Villarin is
to be deployed to Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Yogyakarta, Indonesia, from May 15
to June 9; Romena B. Pagay to Universitas Muhammadiyah Puworkerto, Indonesia,
from May 15 to June 9; and Lyndemae Denosta to Dong Thap University, Vietnam,
from May 8 to June 2, are part of the 9th batch of South East Asia (SEA) –
Teacher Student Exchange Program of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education
Organization (SEAMEO).
"This initiative strengthens the university's
linkages with partner agencies and allows students to learn, collaborate, and
unlock new skills," Dr. Jereline D. De Pablo said, CapSU Pontevedra
External Affairs and Linkages-Chair.
For Romena Pagay, an
education senior, the student exchange program will be an enriching
experience for her to gain a global perspective and enhance her personal and
academic growth.
"Participating in the student exchange program
would give me access to a wider range of academic opportunities and resources.
I am excited to start this new adventure, learn about a new culture, make new
friends, and gain skills and knowledge that will benefit my future academic and
professional pursuits," Pagay stated.
Alexis Kristi Villarin also
shared that joining the programs was both overwhelming and exciting for her.
"One of the things that I have considered in
joining this program was the chance for growth. As a fourth-year student, the
next step for me is already the real world, however, just thinking about it can
be scary at times. Joining this program will give me the chance to know more
about myself and to see life from a different perspective," Villarin stated.
Spearheaded by the university's Office of the Vice President for External Affairs and Linkages (OVP-EAL) and the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), a Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar about cultural diversity and practices, ethical values, and proper behavior was conducted at CapSU Central Admin-Boardroom, last May 3, attended by 19 Education seniors from the different CapSU campuses.
Text by Christian John Villamor
Photo courtesy from Dr. Jereline De Pablo